Welcome fishos!
You probably know me through the reviews I have written on various forums & blogs since 1999 under my pen name, Alan Hawk. Many years ago I decided to build a site to house all my work in one place, and apparently you found it! I fished all kinds of gear, but my true passion is spinning reels. Love their versatility, resistance-free casting, range of retrieve speeds, and the fact that building a powerful spinning reel is a more complex and costly task than building an equally powerful conventional reel.
Almost two decades ago I coined the term "super-spinners" to describe a special breed of very capable reels built to high standards. While these will always take priority in testing & evaluating, I pay equal attention to all classes of spinning reels down to the entry level. I also continuously scan the non-mainstream world for obscure reels that might offer something interesting or be of a special value. In addition to Reviews, you'll find features such as the Top Picks & Blog. My aim is to keep improving this site and maintain its dynamism, always guided by your requests and suggestions which you are most welcome to send via the contact form.
Enjoy your stay, and tight lines!
Alan Hawk