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* (13 July 2024) Quantum purged all its reels and started from scratch. Two entry/mid level spinners announced, but got reliable tips that higher class reels are being developed. Saw the "Benchmark" model and it's a proprietary design that appears to be targeting the Spheros SW. Very encouraged by what I've seen so far, but as usual we'll only know after retail reels are purchased and tested. Check the first paragraphs of previous reviews such as this one to learn why Quantum is one of the major players along with the big three and the conglomerate.


* (29 June 2024) Some browsers now offer AI detection of fake reviews CLICK. Glad to see action taken against the cancerous fake reviews industry complex, which I investigated in THIS ARTICLE back in 2018, but technology alone can't detect every technique used by that evil cartel. Be vigilant and use your own senses because entire "brands" of fishing tackle are built upon fake reviews on Amazon and elsewhere.


* (3 June 2024) A tip for tackle companies; when your associates test a big spinner that is fully blank without any markings or branding it's going to arouse suspicion and someone is bound to snap photos clandestinely and send them to nosy folks like me. Much better to paint the reels and mark them with random nonsense so they'd appear like generic Chinese stuff and not attract attention. Anyway, better hurry up with my current projects because it looks like next year is going to be BUSY!


* (27 May 2024) One of the most incredible experiences is stepping into a tackle shop while touring poorer countries, and continually seeing mid-sized spinning reels selling for less than US 8$. Imagine lowering manufacturing costs enough that after adding the OEM profit, the shipping costs, importation duties, and tackle shop profit a reel is sold for 7 dollars and change! Anyhow, big stuff is coming this year. Working hard and fast.


* (11 May 2024) A considerable number of non-English speaking readers have complained about confusing parts in the recent Daiwa BG MQ review. Sorry fellas, I should've known that online translators wouldn't be able to decipher my silly "coque" jokes. I promise to act more like a grownup in the future!!